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MD Studios is the brand name for artworks created by Mark Davies British Artist that break from his traditional style and feature both fictional and non-fictional characters.


Since 2015, Mark's career as a mixed-media artist has seen him amass a substantial portfolio of works that avoid the inclusion of key characters from book and film and instead are reliant on strategically positioned detailing that help to tell the story and leave the scene and point in the narrative open to interpretation.

A strong following and collector base has evolved with each series that has been released that has lead to wonderfully interactions as lovers of Mark's work seek out the hidden clues and offer up their own interpretations. This quality is what makes Mark's work so different and exciting and will continue to be built upon.

However as Mark's popularity and international presence has grown there have been a number of opportunities that have presented that involve the inclusion of characters within the scenes. The results have been really quite breathtaking which has lead to some incredibly exciting commercial opportunities.

So as not to dilute or confuse Mark's collectors and affiliated gallery accounts, a new brand has been born. MD Studios has been created to head up all character-driven artworks both in the U.K and overseas and will continue to evolve and expand over time.



Should you have an opportunity that you feel could be of interest or would like to enquire about placing a commission, please contact